Why Ellansé filler is a skinvestment you need

Ellansé® Dermal Filler treatment before and after

Why Ellansé filler is a skinvestment you need

Investing in your skin is investing in yourself. And, understanding what you put in your body is a crucial first step before undergoing any invasive or non-invasive cosmetic procedure. A popular choice among patients and doctors alike, fillers can help transform not only your lips but also restore youth and regenerate your facial features.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are minimally invasive cosmetic injections that address skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles and loss in volume. Starting from the age of 25, your face starts to lose 1% of volume every year, followed by signs of ageing at 30. This combined with stress, lifestyle choices and overexposure to sun contribute to visible signs of ageing including smile lines and crow’s feet.

Ageing is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it. These tried-and-tested treatments offered at River Aesthetics are virtually painless, and result in long-lasting improvement in skin density, firmness, tone and texture. While there is a wide range of dermal fillers available, Ellansé® is River Aesthetics’ recommended choice as it continues to work where traditional fillers leave off. By stimulating your body’s own ageing defences, it gets your skin back into the habit of producing collagen – the body protein that is responsible for providing structure to your skin.

Ellansé® Dermal fillers

Designed using polycaprolactone as the base, Ellansé® Dermal fillers are absorbable and biodegradable while resulting in long-lasting and subtle results. Most dermal fillers available in the market are hyaluronic acid based which means they can only improve skin volume in the short term.

However, Ellansé® is based on collagen biostimulation that helps deliver quick results while improving the quality of the skin in mid and long term: from 18 months to 3 years. It is also ideal to treat wrinkles in the midface area and around the mouth. Additionally, it can rejuvenate the skin without adding volume by acting as a simple collagen stimulator.

“As national trainers for Ellansé® we are passionate about this product. The results we achieve are beautiful, natural and long-lasting – a great alternative to conventional hyaluronic acid fillers,” explains Dr Charlotte Woodward, Clinical Director and co-founder of River Aesthetics.

Ellansé® fillers are known to deliver results from the first session. However, if you are looking for more drastic results, River Aesthetics recommends combining this collagen-stimulating treatment with Elixis skin-tightening or thread-lift procedures to rebuild the youthful facial shape and volume that time has taken away. Dani RS, one of River Aesthetics patients, had 4mls of Ellansé® along with 4 sessions of Exilis, resulting in younger-looking skin and facial structure. “I look at least 5 years younger. My skin texture has massively improved with a brighter and pinker appeal. It looked dull and lifeless before, but with the help of Dr. Victoria Manning and River Aesthetics I now have plump soft skin full of life and colour,” explains Dani.

Dr Victoria Manning and Dr Charlotte Woodward are renowned Ellansé® trainers in the U.K. Hosting not one but two classes at River Aesthetics Academy – Entry Level Ellansé® Training and Combined Collagen Stimulation Combing Ellansé® and Threads – the doctor duo are backed with years of practical experience and knowledge to deliver nothing less than your dream results. Add a touch of youth to your skin today and learn more about this dual action treatment for firmer, younger-looking skin.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out more about Ellansé® Dermal Fillers. Book your consultation at our Bournemouth clinic. Call us on 0330 822 4248.

River Aesthetics run industry-leading clinics in LondonHampshire and Dorset providing an award-winning range of treatments including: Thread liftsCoolsculptingDermal fillers and Anti-wrinkle treatments. With a wealth of experience and true passion for aesthetic medicine, you’re in excellent hands with River Aesthetics.

River Aesthetics has now joined forces with The Private Clinic Groups’ non-surgical division, The Cosmetic Skin Clinic.

Our Founders Dr. Charlotte Woodward and Dr. Victoria Manning and the rest of the River Aesthetics team will continue to offer the same high standard of treatments and exceptional patient care at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic’s Bournemouth, Lymington and London Harley Street locations.

Click here to find out more about The Cosmetic Skin Clinic.

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