08 Jul River Aesthetics at the ’10 Years Younger’ event
Out and about with River Aesthetics – the 10 Years Younger health and beauty event
I was delighted to have been asked to give a talk at Peter Symond’s College, Winchester on our favourite topic of thread lifting.
One of my lovely patients, – Alex Day – is the Director of Adult and Higher Education in Winchester.
She recently underwent a thread lift and has been happy to speak openly about her experience.
To spread the news more widely, she very kindly invited me to speak at her first ‘anti-ageing’ evening, the 10 Years Younger health and beauty event.
The event, organised by the college, shows how by mixing aesthetics, beauty and skin-care how we all complement each other.
I think one important thing that we all took home is that procedures done in isolation, don’t last.
Another is that looking after your face and body holistically is the key to prolonged health and longevity.
It was a really informative event and a great success – one that, when I’m off crutches and a bit more mobile, I think we would like to repeat.
I felt very important too, with my own parking space!
We will let you know the dates of the next event as it will be very exciting – and we will be demonstrating a thread lift on the night.
We hope to see you soon.
Kind regards,
Charlotte and Victoria