Everyone has the right to expect a positive experience and a good treatment outcome. In the event of concerns or complaints, patients have a right to be listened to and to be treated with respect. Service providers should manage complaints properly so customers’ concerns are dealt with appropriately. Good complaint handling matters because it is an important way of ensuring customers receive the service they are entitled to expect. Complaints are a valuable source of feedback; they provide an audit trail and can be an early warning of failures in service delivery. When handled well, complaints provide an opportunity to improve service and reputation.
River Aesthetics strive to provide patients with the very best of care and customer service by offering services and facilities of the highest standard. If you are dissatisfied in any way with your experience at River Aesthetics, we welcome your comments and promise to address them in a prompt, honest and thorough manner. As well as providing resolution to your concern, we implement the learning from your experience and feedback to improve upon our care and service delivery for the future.
We will do our best to deal with any issues as soon as we can and encourage you to discuss your concerns with a member of staff when they arise.
How to make an informal complaint:
If you have a minor criticism, misgiving or concern, please let us know as they arise, and we will attempt to resolve immediately to your satisfaction. However, if you do wish to take the matter further, your next step is to make a formal complaint.
How to make a formal complaint:
A complaints procedure is in place for patients who may not be satisfied with our services and wish to make a formal complaint. You or your representative (with your consent), can make a complaint.
In the event you wish to make a written complaint please write to us via email at reception@riveraesthetics.com no later than six months of the date of the event which is the subject of the complaint. If a complaint is made outside of these timeframes, it may not be able to be investigated due to the length of time since the incident occurred.
What happens next:
As a member of ISCAS (Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service)
River Aesthetics Complaints procedure reflects their three-stage complaint process. A full copy of the ISCAS code of practice can be found at www.iscas.org.uk.
During the investigation into your complaint, we will share your concerns with relevant staff and / or your consultant to help us consider your feedback and provide you with a response. If you do not wish for us to contact the relevant staff or consultant, please do let us know although this will limit our investigation on your behalf. It may also be deemed necessary to obtain surgical panel review, however this will not be done without prior authorisation/consent from yourself.
We appreciate that a patients’ circumstances may change suddenly making them more vulnerable. This might include physical or mental health problems, specific characteristics such as literacy skills, or changes in personal circumstances. Our staff are trained to ensure all patients are treated fairly and provided with the required help, support, and services they need to raise concerns/make a formal complaint.
Interpreter services can be arranged for any patients requiring language transplantation support during the complaints process.
Stage 1 – Local Resolution:
Stage 2 – Internal Review:
Stage 3 – Independent External Adjudication: