05 Jan Increase Satisfaction With Ultra Femme 360°
As we age, many women start to feel less confident about their intimate area. This is especially true after the birth of a child – when many women find that muscle tone and laxity is not what it once was.
At River Aesthetics, we can help you deal with this problem sensitively and discreetly with a revolutionary treatment.
It’s called the Ultra Femme 360° – and it’s designed for women who want the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation without the unnecessary risk of surgery.
Who Is This Treatment For?
If you lack confidence in your intimate area, then this treatment could be for you. Ultra Femme 360° treats a range of different issues, which we’ll explore below.
Tone and Elasticity
Many women experience a loss of elasticity after childbirth. This and the ageing process mean that many women feel insecure in their intimate life.
Using radio frequency energy, the Ultra Femme 360° delivers gentle heat to the intimate area. This encourages blood flow and in turn, improves the tone and elasticity of the vagina and labia.
At River Aesthetics, we do everything possible to ensure our clients are comfortable and confident in themselves. The Ultra Femme 360° is a painless and quick procedure which has very little risk of side effects. Making it the perfect way to regain your confidence.
Sometimes intimate problems are not just an aesthetic issue. If you feel uncomfortable wearing tight clothing or underwear, then the Ultra Femme 360° could help you.
Physical discomfort is common in women who have lost elasticity in their intimate zones. By toning and tightening, the Ultra Femme 360° could help you feel more comfortable doing everyday tasks.
Ageing also sometimes results in a loss of sensitivity. Fortunately, the Ultra Femme 360° also works to increase sensitivity.
Increasing sensitivity can help women reclaim their confidence in their relationships, making it easier for women to achieve orgasm.
Risks And Side Effects
Unlike with invasive surgical procedures, there is little to no downtime associated with the Ultra Femme 360°. As it only uses a comfortable heat to increase blood flow, you are able to return to your daily life immediately after treatment.
There may be initial side effects, such as redness and swelling, but these will only last for a few hours.
Number Of Sessions
Some of our clients see results after just one treatment! On average, our clients have three treatments one week apart before they experience their desired result. Our doctor will talk you through the treatment and work with you to decide the very best course of action.
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about our new Ultra Femme 360° treatment, please contact us on 01202 024060 (Sandbanks).