18 Oct Vaginal Rejuvenation Or Labial Puff Treatment at River Aesthetics
One in six women suffer from vaginal dryness & painful intercourse due to the menopause so don’t suffer in silence.
What Is Labial Puff Treatment?
Many women develop laxity and deflation of the labia majora as they age. Decreases in oestrogen may contribute to ageing in this delicate area just like in the face. After child birth and around menopause are common times when women notice this problem.
When we are young the vaginal tissue is moist and thick however when we reach the menopause with the declining levels of oestrogen, the vaginal tissue thins. These age related changes contribute to the apparent dehydration, thinning and loss of elasticity that depicts aged related tissues. The changes cause itching, soreness and a stinging pain in the vaginal and vulval area.
The wrinkling and laxity can be addressed by two options-using injections of your own fat or now by using a longer lasting French dermal filler called Desirial produced specifically for this purpose.
Cosmetically inclined women are truly taking a head-to-toe approach to anti-aging solutions these days.
Sometimes, this even includes advanced aesthetic procedures for the genital area– often referred to as a labiaplasty. Just as drooping breasts are associated with aging, some women associate the droopy, less voluminous appearance of their labia with old age. One of the newest procedures custom designed to address this issue is the “labial puff.” You can achieve volume enhancement in this intimate area without the need for surgery and the risks associated with surgery.
The dermal filler from Vivacy laboratories in France is used at River Aesthetics for this intimate and bespoke treatment.
There is no other clinic offering this treatment on the South Coast of England.
The labia majora consists of the outermost folds, or lips, surrounding the vagina. As women age, the labia loses its laxity and it may take on a deflated appearance. Like any other part of the body, the labia is also subject to wrinkling. Women may particularly notice their labia changing after childbirth and during menopause.
It may seem like a silly concern, but some women feel that their genitals are symbolic of their youth and sexual appeal. By rejuvenating the labia, that youthful look can be restored.
The labial puff also helps to conceal the labia minora from outside view, for a more proportioned appearance. It’s important to note that the labial puff is a form of labiaplasty, which involves the outer appearance of the vagina. Vaginoplasty, or vaginal rejuvenation, involves the surgical reconstruction or tightening of the vagina itself.
We use the dermal filler from Vivacy laboratories in France and after a numbing cream is applied to the labia, a tiny cannula injects the corrective treatment.
Procedure is carried out by two practicing female Doctors. Results lasting for up to three years so for more information on Labial Puff Treatment please call us today on 01590 608480 to find out more.