Reserve your spot and join us at our Eye Event

Reserve your spot and join us at our Eye Event

Say Goodbye to Tired Eyes. Join us for our Eye Event at River Aesthetics!

The delicate skin around your eyes is often the first area to show signs of aging and fatigue. Stress, genetics, and even your daily routine can contribute to puffiness, dark circles, and sagging.

But you don’t have to settle for tired eyes!

Join us at River Aesthetics on May 14th, 2pm – 4pm for our exclusive Eye Event, where you will:

Learn about the latest treatments

Discover how Polynucleotides, RiverBROW, Morpheus8, and Tear Trough Fillers can rejuvenate your eyes and restore a youthful glow.

Live demonstrations

Morpheus8 eye

Brow thread lift


Temple Filler


Understand the causes

Dive deeper into the factors affecting your eyes and learn how to achieve your desired look in our Q&A session with the Doctors.


Find your perfect solution

Our expert team will be conducting Visia Skin Analysis on the day and will work with you to identify the personalised treatment plan to achieve your desired results.


Tickets cost £10 which can be redeemed against treatment, products in clinic or added to your account.


Call us on 0330 822 165 to reserve your spot for the Eye Event. Space is limited!

P.S. Feeling overwhelmed by eye treatment options? We understand! During the event, you can schedule a consultation with our Advanced Aesthetics Doctors to discuss your unique needs and goals.

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