25 Nov Vaginal Laxity
What happens?
Much like our skin covering our bodies, vaginal tissues and walls are susceptible to ageing and laxity. Coupled with other factors such as childbirth and hormonal changes, our vaginal walls and tissues lose volume over time, reducing sensitivity and elasticity in the area and contributing to vaginal laxity.
BTL Ultra Femme 360™
BTL Ultra Femme 360™ is a revolutionary non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment providing the shortest non-invasive treatment available. The device applies radio frequency energy and heat to gently heat up the tissues and stimulate blood flow and collagen production, targeting vaginal laxity and labial volume loss. The treatment is quick, easy and has virtually no downtime. It consists of three sessions one week apart and the optimal results can be seen around 3 months after treatment. For exceptional results River Aesthetics recommend using Skin Tightening Exilis Ultra 360™.